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Norway (Norwegian: Norge or Noreg ; Northern Sami: Norga), officially the Kingdom of Norway, is a Nordic country in Northwestern Europe whose core territory comprises ...
Much has been learned about early music in Norway from physical artifacts found during archaeological digs. These include instruments such as the lur.
Travel tips A-Z We want you to be happy in Norway, and enjoy your time here as much as you possibly can. Happy guests come back, and before you know it we ...
The Radical Humaneness of Norway’s Halden Prison. The goal of the Norwegian penal system is to get inmates out of it.
Plan your holiday in Norway with free guides and videos. Learn about fjords, northern lights, midnight sun, where to stay, walking, fishing and more.
Norwegian Fjords highlights: natural beauty, cool cities, stunning architecture. The beauty of Norway will take your breath away, with its enchanting mix of jaw ...
Explore Norway holidays and discover the best time and places to visit. | The essence of Norway's appeal is remarkably simple: this is one of the most beautiful ...
Norwegian architecture, design, and works of art inform the room where some of the most critical decisions of our time are made, namely the Security Council Chamber ...
The following op-ed by Hanne Nabintu Herland concerns the Norwegian government’s persistent soft spot for the Palestinians. It was originally published in ...
MAUD RETURNS HOME – HOMETRIP 2018. 7 May 2018 » Uncategorized. MAUD RETURNS HOME – STATUS MAY 2018 Its been a while since last update here on our webpage and ...
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